lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


This time students make a model of the primary components of the urinary system. These are the materials needed in order to complete it: body diagram, marshmallows, glue, kidney beans, spaghetti pieces, cafeteria straw, scissors, 2 pieces of red yarn and 2 pieces of blue yarn.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Constructing a lung model is an excellent way to learn about the respiratory system and how the lungs and the diaphragm work. Students need a plastic bottle cut in half, balloons, a piece of plastic from a shoppping bag, rubber band, drinking straws,...
Students tape the top of the balloons to the straws. Then put the straws down into the bottle and place the bottle onto a piece of plastic bag and use a rubber band to secure it tight to the bottom.
Now students can pull the diaphragm up and down and see the lungs expand and contract.
Check out this video.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

The digestive system

We usually spend two terms learning about the Human Body.We learn about seven major Body Systems: Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Skeletal, Muscular and Reproductive. We started with the Digestive System. Here are some super useful links related to this topic.