miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the CEIP Barrié de la Maza Science blog for the academic year 2018 - 2019.

This blog aims to share with both students and families the work we do in the Science class. Here we will share activities, videos and information related to the different topics that we are learning about.

Thank you for visiting.

Please leave a comment.

See you soon!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


Effects of alcohol What alcohol does to your body. How alcohol affects the body long term. What alcohol can do to your liver.


The effects of smoking on your body. Scary anti-smoking ad. Harmful effects of tobacco on the human body. Quitting smoking timeline

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015


A few weeks ago we had the great honour of receiving a visit from Professor Ángel Carracedo.
First he met with teachers and students in the gym, where he answered questions and concerns on a variety of topics related to science.
When we were done with the questions, he made the experiment of DNA extraction from peas. First we got the pea juice, then added dishwasher liquid, pineapple juice and alcohol. The stringy stuff that looks like snot is DNA.
It was super brilliant and we can do this again in our science class!
Once again, thank you Professor for your visit!

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015


After finishing the unit on the skeletal system, we made a skeleton out of Q-tips. The materials needed are as follows: q-tips, black paper, glue, scissors, googly eyes and a silver ink pen. Here are some photographs of the crafts that we made.